Quality creates more growth.
More quality, more growth, more organic produce. A trio that truly triumphs. That’s why Kennel puts its trust in organic produce, reliable Swiss values and meticulous quality management in line with stringent Bio Suisse standards. You can count on us to help you get your own new project harnessing organic herbs and the power of nature off the ground. As your partner in herbs, we cultivate consistently high standards of quality in all herbs and plant-based raw materials – to help your product idea flourish and your business model grow.

Organic: commitment bears fruit.
Organic production is at the heart of our organisation. As Swiss organic pioneers, we’re licensed by Bio Suisse and have been certified organic since 1996. The bud quality seal represents a very high standard of organic production across all processes and guarantees that Bio Suisse guidelines are adhered to in our products.
Thanks to our many years of experience, major commitment to sustainability and extensive network in organic farming and the food industry, we have a great deal of expertise in all things organic. We’re happy to share it with our customers and other partners. And we put it into our herbs, teas and other plant-based raw materials.

Swissness: putting our heart and soul into herbs.
It’s a buzzword for many – and a given for us: Swissness is part of our DNA. Since our foundation in 1934 as a small Swiss company, we’ve worked closely with Swiss producers and constantly grown our expertise in herb cultivation. Since 1996, we’ve made a conscious choice to focus on organic herbs. But it’s not just our production and processing here in Switzerland that’s intrinsically Swiss – our core values are, too.
Reliability, awareness of quality, appreciation of nature and gratitude towards our partners are key pillars of our success. This includes, for instance, our close partnership with our herb growers, who we’ve worked with for a very long time and support from sowing to reaping. We exchange experiences, guarantee high quality standards and learn more every single year. A win-win situation for everyone involved.

Quality: everything under control.
Producing healthy, premium-quality products is our mission. Quality is our highest priority – and our promise to business customers and consumers alike. To meet high standards at all times, we operate a comprehensive quality management system.
We perform quality checks ourselves on site at our farms. We pay a visit to all our organic farmers at least once a year. Our raw materials are under constant strict supervision in line with legal requirements. Every batch is inspected individually on arrival and only approved if it is absolutely flawless. Taste tests and lab analyses go hand in hand. If we spot any irregularities, every delivery can be traced back to the specific plot it came from.

Certification: Bio Suisse since 1996.
Kennel is a certified organic Bio Suisse licence holder. The bud quality seal guarantees the high organic production standards of our products and plant-based raw materials. The independent Swiss auditing and certification body bio.inspecta regularly inspects us to ensure the stringent guidelines are adhered to.
The processing of plant-based raw materials is also subject to strict provisions. We take a close look at our partners’ organic certificates and can draw on our affiliate Dixa AG’s experience, which spans over a century. The herb factory is GMP certified by Swissmedic and meets the FSSC 22000, Bio Suisse and Agroscope standards, among others.